Driving quality enhancement in higher education through international programme validations |
Abstract This paper seeks to share the process and experience of the programme validations of two academic programmes, i.e. the computer programme and the social work programme of the Macao Polytechnic Institute by two oversea quality assurance bodies, i.e. by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) in 2011. in 2012 and Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualification (HKCAAVQ) in 2016 respectively. Through compare and contrast the approaches, criteria, standards and process adopted by these two international quality assurance bodies in programme accreditation and review, key concepts and techniques in enhancing programme management can be identified. This paper will discuss the contribution of global knowledge transfer in upgrading the academic and quality standard in higher education in MPI through these learning programme accreditation and review exercises. |
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