An Empirical review for Enhancing Teaching Effectiveness – A Relationship Management Perspective |
Ngan Fung Tang (Macao Polytechnic Institute) |
Abstract As the higher education Quality Assurance System progressively implemented by increasing numbers of universities and institutions across the globe, more attentions turn to the outcome based teaching-learning to query how the teaching effectiveness does? This paper aims to examine the progressive Teaching and Learning (T&L) outcomes by inquiring how the Teaching and Learning interactions/relationship can input to learning-teaching effectiveness for mutual learner-faculty fulfillments. The research method approach adopts qualitative content analysis through cross-review of the students’ evaluation of teachers (SET) against the Teacher self-evaluation (TSE) data. The study embeds some written informal class feedback inputs and the participant observations to understand deeply the various emerging phenomena and relational Teaching and Learning process consequences that account for the teaching outcomes in 2017-18 second semester. The overall discussions and analysis resume behavioral relationship management perspectives to explore deeper meanings from these mixed dimensions and occurrences of data and contents. As a result, a finding is that it indicates the student relationship management has a key value proposition in the overall teaching effectiveness. The result adds several perspectives to the student-orientation, evolved co-creation Teaching and Learning ecology and students’ behaviors along the continuum. The empirical research further provides alerts and pertinent perspectives to the teacher-learner relationships and adaptive T&L strategies. The results add value to track the teaching-learning co-processes trend, collaboration and to refine the evolving expectations in accomplishing quality management practice and Teaching and Learning excellence. The research results share direction with broader stakeholder groups not less than students, scholars, teaching professors, institution employees and the community interested groups along the continuum. |
Author Profile(s)
Being an IRCA International certified quality management auditor for more than two decades prior transformed to the education sector, Margaret had cumulative experiences developed in her previous QA & QM disciplines, ISO audits apart and the management consulting and training development experiences. She designed quality management training and had audited hundreds of organizations in the APEC covering wide industries and broad services sectors. Margaret is the nominated Business Sector Specialist for the HKCAAVQ. |