Teacher Development: Making the Case for Change in Bangladesh College Education System |
Rozilini Mary Fernandez-Chung (University of Nottingham Malaysia) |
Abstract This paper discusses the nuances within the college education sector in Bangladesh by discussing the impact of a government-funded project on teacher development. Teacher development is the catalyst in improving quality of instruction and student learning. However, in a globalised world today, the demand for teacher development goes beyond improving student learning and quality of instruction. The focus today is on preparing career ready students and at the same time, providing benchmarked student experience. This paper discusses the impact of teacher development on three cohorts of participants; two groups of teachers and one group of principals. It positions the challenges and achievements against the aims of a World Bank funded project in a developing country. This paper concludes with recommendations for similar large-scaled capacity building projects from project implementation to avoiding pitfalls and quality assuring such development projects. |
Author Profile(s)
She was instrumental in drafting the Malaysian Qualifications Framework and numerous other quality assurance documents. She recently completed the draft Bangladesh National Qualifications Framework in her capacity as the QA Country Advisor. She leads research in policy, QA and higher education funded by both national and international agencies. |