Enhancing college students’ learning with mobile technology in Health and Physical Education Classes |
Abstract This study aims to examine the effect of mobile technology and apps in various PE teaching activities. A total of 243 undergraduate students were enrolled in three types of Health and PE classes, dance (n=50), basketball (n=37), and weight management (n=156). Focus group interviews and online questionnaires have conducted to collect data. Both qualitative and quantitative data have been reviewed, analyzed and compared with relevant literature. The study shows that majority of students recognized mobile an effective learning tool, students were ready for mobile integrated learning environment and expressed that using mobile in PE class could improve practice, help them gain self-discipline and efficiency. In addition, some mobile centered instruction strategies were more effective, use of mobile apps improved learning outcomes, increased teaching and learning efficiency. The study has limitation on the diversity of participants (one institution). Future studies would include more teachers, students and to experiment different type of health and physical education programs from other institutions. |
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