Director from the University of Warwick shared Challenges of Higher Education
Ms. Maureen McLaughlin, Director of Education Policy and Quality from the University of Warwick, was invited to Macao Polytechnic Institute to deliver a quality assurance workshop with the teachers on 21st November 2019. The workshop was about the challenges facing UK higher education, such as media, student recruitment, Brexit and student expectations, etc. Ms. Maureen McLaughlin introduced the present status of UK higher education and discussed the mentioned issues with the participating teachers.
Macao Polytechnic Institute is always concerned about the teachers’ development. The teaching quality will continuously be raised through inviting internationally renowned scholars to hold workshops at Macao Polytechnic Institute. The participating teachers thought that it was a fruitful workshop. Through exchanging views in the workshop, they not only learned more about the updated trends of the UK quality assurance of higher education, but also combined their teaching and research to prepare them in advance to face the challenges of a higher education institute.