Workshops of Outcome-based Teaching and Learning
Dr Erica Lau, Vice Principal of Po Leung Kuk Academy of Professional Education, conducted Outcome-based Teaching and Learning Online Workshops
In order to strengthen teachers’ understanding of outcome-based teaching and learning and continue to improve the teaching of the institute, Macao Polytechnic Institute conducted two online workshops on 16th and 17th June 2021 and invited Dr Erica Lau, Vice Principal of Po Leung Kuk Academy of Professional Education, as speaker. Near hundreds of teachers were attracted to join.
Dr Erica Lau introduced outcome-based teaching and learning activities design, assessment design and flipped the classroom concepts. She used case studies and discussed interactively with the teachers. The teachers who had participated in the workshop, felt deepening their understanding about outcome-based education. Peer discussion would help enhancing the teaching quality.
Macao Polytechnic Institute concerns about academic staff development. Enhance teaching quality through inviting different fields of experts to conduct teaching & learning workshops, and continue optimizing the programmes in long term.