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Role of Student Representatives

A student representative is a student elected by his/her peers within a programme of study to represent their views to the academic unit to which they belong, serving as the bridge between the year tutor /academic advisor and his/her peers. Normally, there is one student representative within a cohort of students in a programme of study. The representatives are expected to attend all the regular meetings in their programme or academic unit to which they are invited.

A student representative is expected to meet the following expectations:

  • To be available to the group of students s/he represents;
  • To maintain good communication with his/her peers;
  • To gather students’ views about any issues impacting on their studies and academic experience;
  • To find out about issues impacting students’ studies and academic experience;
  • To work with the year tutor or academic advisor to represent students’ views;
  • To assist the year tutor or academic advisor in organising student activities;
  • To collect student feedback questionnaires;
  • To be available to attend tutorials and meetings (including dialogue meetings) arranged by the academic unit or programme;
  • To maintain a constructive and courteous attitude in discussion;
  • To raise any problems and concerns in the dialogue meetings in order to affect positive changes; and
  • To feedback responses to students.


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