Go To Macao Polytechnic University

Awarded Project - 2021/2022

Name of Project: Construction of a Teaching and Evaluation System for Clinical Practice Competency of Nursing Undergraduates in Macao Based on the Concept of Evidence-Based Practice
Award-Winning Unit: School of Health Sciences and Sports
Members: Yuan HaobinWang YanLiu MingChan Yok ManPang Weng Ian
Brief Introduction: Nursing is a professional and practical discipline. Nursing students should not only have proficient operational skills, but also have comprehensive nursing competency such as good emergency care capacity, communication skills, clinical thinking skills, and teamwork skills. In the context of Macao culture, this project builds a teaching and evaluation system for the clinical practice competency of nursing undergraduates according to students’ characteristics as well as teaching objectives and content. The core elements are: ①Problem-based learning (PBL), ② High-fidelity simulation (HFS), ③ Training for Evidence-based Nursing (EBN), ④ the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) system, ⑤ Cultivation of humanistic caring competency in special nursing. PBL was used to promote students' self-directed learning. Using simulation learning can help students construct a body of knowledge, cultivate the clinical thinking and critical thinking, and the ability to analyze and solve clinical problems, as well as the interpersonal communication competency, unity and cooperation ability. The concept of evidence-based practice was applied in nursing teaching, and was used to guide students to formulate the questions, retrieve theoretical evidence or research results, and then conduct the evidence appraisal, and apply the evidence to propose nursing care plans and discuss the practicability of the found evidence for solving problems. The OSCE was conducted to establish a comprehensive and objective assessment of nursing competency of students. Furthermore, the life and death education was taken as the starting point. The social and cultural background of Macao was integrated into nursing teaching so that students had a broader humanistic mind and a stronger sense of social responsibility.


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