澳門理工大學 藝術及設計學院 視覺藝術學士學位課程
Bachelor of Arts in Visual Arts Programme,
Faculty of Arts and Design,
Macao Polytechnic University
本展覽由澳門理工大學藝術及設計學院主辦,目的是向社會公眾展示視覺藝術學士學位課程的教學成果。「燃光」喻意「藝術燃點生命之光」,繼鄭家大屋的「燃光 I」展覽打響頭炮,課程將發起以「燃光」作為主題的學生作品展覽系列,此次「燃光 II」展覽於鏡海藝術教育中心開幕的為該系列的第二場展覽。展覽共展出12件作品,涵蓋油畫、版畫、素描等多種媒材,均來自視覺藝術課程二至四年級的學生。借此次展覽,學生們能夠同公眾分享藝術創作的喜悅,同時也增進社會公眾、藝術愛好者對藝術及設計學院教學方向的瞭解。
Named as "Light Up II", the exhibition organized by the Faculty of Arts and Design of the Macao Polytechnic University, is to showcase the achievements of the Bachelor of Arts in Visual Arts Programme to the public. Following the opening of the exhibition "Light Up I" at Casa da Cheang, the Bachelor of Arts in Visual Arts Programme has launched a series of exhibitions of students' works under the title of " Light Up", and this exhibition at Jing Hai Art Education Center is the second in the series. A total of 12 pieces of artworks in various media, including oil paintings, prints and drawings, were created by students from Years 2 to 4 from the Visual Arts Programme. Through this exhibition, the students were able to share the joy of art creation with the public and at the same time enhance the understanding of the public and art lovers about the direction of the Faculty of Art and Design.