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Headline:"The Sustainable Power of Arts" - International Forum on Contemporary Design, Arts and Culture
Name of Event:
"The Sustainable Power of Arts" - International Forum on Contemporary Design, Arts and Culture
Name of Guest Speaker:
  • Prof. Zhang Lei , Vice Dean of Shanghai International College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University
  • Prof. Wang Shaobin,Dean of the School of Art and Design, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics
  • Prof. Lim Kok Wai Benny, Associate Professor of Practice in Cultural Management and Director of the Master of Arts in Cultural Management Programme at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
  • Associate Prof. Lai Mei Kei, Acting Dean of Faculty of Arts and Design of Macao Polytechnic University
  • Ms. Karin Aue, Senior Lecturer within the Division of Industrial Design of National University of Singapore
  • Prof. Fernando Amílcar Bandeira Cardoso, University of Coimbra
澳門理工大學 藝術及設計學院 文化創意產業教學及研究中心
Cultural and Creative Industries Teaching and Research Centre
Faculty of Arts and Design, Macao Polytechnic University
27th November 2024 (Wednesday)
10:00-13:00 ; 14:30-17:30
澳門理工大學 氹仔校區 研發樓二樓 R2F04室 演講廳1
R2F04, Lecture Theatre 1,
the 2nd Floor of Research and Development Building,
Taipa Campus,  Macao Polytechnic University
Staffs and Students of MPU and Public
本論壇將圍繞當代設計與藝術文化多維度和跨學科的特點,探索設計與藝術的融合、促進文化交流與合作、推動設計教育的發展。通過國際論壇的形式,可以加強不同國家和地區之間的學者、藝術家、設計師的交流與合作,共同探討和解決設計和藝術領域的問題,推動全球文化多樣性的發展。同時, 通過研究當代國際思潮的發展趨勢,論壇旨在影響未來藝術及設計教育的發展,為高等教育提供新的視角和方法,培養適應未來藝術及設計發展的踐行者和研究者。
Facing the current impact of AI (Artificial Intelligence), where will the power of arts in sustainable social development be? Will artificial intelligence eliminate the power of arts? Or will fusion and symbiosis produce more lasting artistic energy? How will design and art research in different cultural contexts provide new perspectives and inspirations to promote sustainable social development? In an era, where arts and technology are increasingly integrated, how will contemporary higher education build gateways between arts and science, tradition and modernity, and education and industry through diverse digital and cultural innovation methods?
This forum will focus on the multi-dimensional and interdisciplinary characteristics of contemporary design and art cultures, explore the integration of design and arts, promote cultural exchanges and cooperation, and promote the development of design education. Through this international forum, exchanges and cooperation between scholars, artists, and designers from different countries and regions can be strengthened to jointly discuss and solve problems in the field of design and arts, and promote the development of global cultural diversity. At the same time, by studying the development trends of contemporary international trends, the forum aims to influence the future development of arts and design education, provide new perspectives and methods for higher education, and cultivate practitioners and researchers who can adapt to the future development of arts and design.

Event Date:2024-11-27
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