Macao Polytechnic University
Preserving Intangible Cultural Heritage via Research
Macao Polytechnic University collaborates with a number of non-governmental organisations to continuously carry out projects to record and preserve local and national intangible cultural heritage, as well as heritage of featured/displaced communities. A large number of intangible cultural heritage documents, files and pictures have been collected. One of the major research projects is the "Macao Intangible Cultural Heritage Oral History Project". 10 interview projects with more than 100 people compiled over one million words in the interview manuscript have been completed so far. The research outcomes are utilized to raise the public’s attention on the preservation of intangible cultural heritage via featured articles and videos on the media.”
Videos co-produced with the media:
Co-produced by MPU and the Macao Daily News, videos have been broadcasted on the “Macao Daily News” Youtube channel on Fridays.
- 黑鬼山上“雷打炮台”
- 撫今追昔俾利喇街
- 頭炷香 百年煙火佑平安
- 節慶為何要舞獅?
- 元宵吃“元宵”
- 嘉模堂區的氹仔故事
- “神功戲”賀神誕
- 友誼大馬路點來?
- 澳門有條萬里長城?
- 澳門有個賣草場?
- 白頭馬路與神秘宗教
- 大學有條“長命斜”
- 澳門回歸與基本法
- 基督教墳場 鐫刻一個時代的生命軌跡
- 宋玉生與澳門
- 華士古是首位抵澳葡人?
- 水電交織逾七十五載 凝聚職工保民生
- 東望洋三大豪宅之一 文第士大宅與文第士
- 全球最大媽祖像 媽祖文化村香火不衰佑眾生
- 馬交石有炮台?
- 譚公誕.四月八
- 飛能便度街 澳門?氹仔?
- 百年功德林
- 大三巴竟然有“仔”?
- 澳門會造大炮?
- 消失的地峽 亞馬喇土腰
- 愛國民主人士如何逃出日寇魔掌? 澳門勝利大營救!
- 荔枝碗?造船廠!
- 霍英東與澳門
- 世遺群中一小巷
- 白眼塘 有古講
- 馬忌士街 “病人院街”
- “盂蘭節” 鬼節?
Videos co-produced with the media:
Co-produced by MPU and the Macao Daily News, videos have been broadcasted on the “Macao Daily News” Youtube channel on Fridays.
- 望廈堂 亂世年間顯大愛
- 十月初五舊情懷
- 姑娘街 百載不朽的仁愛精神
- 中國傳統年俗──謝灶
- 澳門傳統手工業──神香
- 新春傳統習俗──揳太歲
- 授勳表彰傑出人士
- 炮竹廠記事
- 護土安民──紥根澳門的土地信俗
- 塔石印記
- 西灣“半邊橙”真有橙 ?
- 祐漢街市集體回憶
- 義字街 ——“義”字訴前生
- 細說澳門馬場風雲
- “出大耶穌” ——跨越世紀的光之遊行
- 台山的歷劫與重生
- 五一傳承勞動精神
- 筷子基 海磯豎廣廈
- 婦聯托兒所 貢獻家庭70載
- 大豐銀行風雨同舟八十載
- 昔日鴉片港 司打口
- 端午為何要吃糭?
- 下環街 昔日海灣的輪廓
- 龍嵩正街 繁華褪去 餘韻仍在
- 衛星場見證本澳博彩業發展
- 山頂醫院——百年風華
- 新馬路 通衢貫東西
- 議事亭前地 葡風追昔
- 澳門監獄的變遷
- 路環舊城 恬靜純樸
- 路環碼頭 漁村情懷
- 澳門醫療路——杏林庇鏡海
- 護理百年發展路 從人到仁 扶傷護愛
- 萬家燈火 點亮小城
- 古城邊 雀仔園
- 大龍喉變二龍喉
- 順風順水 風順堂
- 板樟堂用木板砌?
- 背靠祖國 砥礪前行 共築復興偉業
- 菜農七十載 農務雖不再 初衷未曾改
- 澳門昔田有田耕
- 庇山耶街與爐石塘巷 消失於發展中的避風塘
- 雅廉訪?雅•廉訪!
- “生鏽鐵”? 東方拱門印證中葡友好
- 千年利?錢納利 英倫畫家筆下的澳門
- 官也街 葡韻短街 盛名遠播
- 同善堂130周年 堅持同心濟世 善氣迎人
- 提督馬路 千米長街看百載浮沉
- 打更 憶街巷鑼綁餘韻
- 沙欄仔街 聚沙成欄
- 西望洋山與聖母堂
- 螺絲山公園 老澳門的童年回憶
- 林發欽、江淳、王熹主編:《故紙留痕―—抗日戰爭時期澳門報刊資料選輯(一、二)》,廣東教育出版社,2021年。
- 江淳、李少莊、溫學權編:《共創輝煌 澳門回歸二十年影像實錄》,澳門理工學院,2021年。
The Beliefs of Nezha in Macao
Featured articles in the press:
Macao Polytechnic University cooperates with the Macao Daily News, a local newspaper with the highest circulation in Macao, to publish featured articles with pictures about intangible cultural heritage in Macao, including:
- 共產黨人與澳唇齒相依 (2021年6月28日,第B05版)
- 共產黨人與澳抗戰救亡運動 (2021年7月5日,第B05版)
- 同舟共濟心繫建國偉業:何賢、馬萬祺、崔德祺 (2021年7月12日,第B05版)
- 共產黨與中央政府支持澳門民生所需 (2021年7月19日,第B05版)
中國共產黨與澳門愛國社團 (2021年7月26日,第B05版)
Videos co-produced with the media:
Co-produced by MPU and the Macao Daily News, videos have been broadcasted on the “Macao Daily News” Youtube channel on Fridays.
- 從執媽到助產士
- 殷皇子馬路地標變遷
- 海盜與澳門的千絲萬縷
- 星光伴你七十載
- 高士德大馬路與澳督高士德
- 澳門第一座廟宇 — 媽閣廟
- 澳門昔日的支柱行業——炮竹業
- 澳門電影院百年發展
- 戀愛巷——美麗的誤會
- 狄素珊修女 一生矢志照顧婦女
- 工人醫療所 懸壺濟世七十載
- 市政署大樓屢更易 呈現百年文化交融
- 走在潮流尖端的紅街市
- 城中靜土——舊西洋墳場
- 印務局 刻寫歷史百二載
- “遙望廈門” 望廈古村的思鄉情懷
- 尋幽覓靜遊龍環 賞花觀鳥品葡韻
- 工人運動 爭權益、表訴求
- 澳門中旅服務社會60載
- 醉龍舞濠江──魚行醉龍節
- 澳門首個公共圖書館——八角亭
- 歡欣快樂兒童節
- 澳門消防百年使命 捨己救人
- 端午習俗 傳承有道
- 為文明風尚而誕生的崗頂劇院
- 紅色印記(一) 濠鏡與革命
- 紅色印記(二)——澳人支援祖國建設
- 紅色印記(三) 三張照片的故事
- 紅色印記(四)澳門人的抗戰救亡
- 紅色印記(五)祖國支援澳門
- 紅色印記(六)——中國共產黨與澳門愛國社團
- 何東圖書館 前庭後院的生活氣息
- 康公廟 驅疫鎮火保平安
- 白馬行又叫醫院街?
- 三盞燈到底有幾盞燈?
- 燒灰爐燒乜?
- 澳門立法會的由來
- 昔日紅燈區 福隆新街
- 郵電局築起溝通橋樑逾百載
- 七十二載家國情懷繫澳門
- 孫中山與澳門 籌備革命之地 家人安身之所
- 鄭觀應與澳門《盛世危言》震朝野
- 鏡湖慈善會熱心公益百五載
- 大三巴 歷經風霜數百載
- 葡國人傳統節日——栗子節
- 工聯工人托兒所 服務社區三十五載
- 風馳電掣68載 澳門格蘭披治大賽車延續傳奇
- 新橋真係有條橋?
- 羅保博士街的“羅保”是誰?
- 公益金百萬行 與眾同行38載
- 黑沙環的填海變遷
- 漁翁街的古今
- 旅遊塔見證澳門騰飛二十載
- 林發欽、江淳主編:《鄭觀應與澳門》,澳門理工學院,2020年。
- 王熹編著:《風雨同行:澳門祖國內地關係七十年》,澳門理工學院,2020年。
- 林發欽、江淳、王熹主編:《故紙留痕──抗日戰爭時期澳門報刊資料選輯(三、四)》,澳門理工學院,2020年。
- Lam, F. I. (2019). Inheritance: Macau Intangible Cultural Heritage. Macao Polytechnic Institute.
- Jiang, C. & Wan. H. K. (2019). Inheritance: Video Record of Macau Intangible Cultural Heritage. Macao Polytechnic Institute.
- Chong, C. K. & Lam, F. I. (2016). Hundred Years: Inheritance and Development of the Chinese Catholic Groups in Macao in the 20th Century. Macao Polytechnic Institute.
- Lei, H. I. (2014). East Asian Experience of Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection. Macao Polytechnic Institute.
- Lei, H. I., Cheng, W. M. & Wu, C. P. (2013). Proceedings of the ‘Research and Protection of Chinese Fishermen's Belief’ Conference. Macao Polytechnic Institute.
- Cheng, W. M. (2013) & Chan, T. H. The Da Jiu Festival of Macao's Fishing Community: An Anthropological Field Study of the Cult of Chu Tai Sin in Hong Kong and Macao. Macao Polytechnic Institute.
Lei, H. I. (2012). The Present and Future of Macau Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection. Macao Polytechnic Institute.
Featured articles in the press:
Macao Polytechnic University cooperates with the Macao Daily News, a local newspaper with the highest circulation in Macao, to publish featured articles with pictures about intangible cultural heritage in Macao, including:
- Cantonese Opera Treasures in the Greater Bay Area (8 April 2019, page B06)
- Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Herbal Tea Culture (11 April 2019, page B09)
- Carving Craft of Wood Carving God Statue (15 April 2019, B09)
- Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao “Southern Music” Culture (18 April 2019, B12)
- Taoist Ritual Music (22 April 2019, B05)
- Fish and Drunk Dragon Festival (25 April 2019, B09)
- A-Ma Beliefs and Customs (29 April 2019, B11)
- Beliefs of Nezha and its Protection of Macao (2 May 2019, B09)
- The East meets the West: Macanese Cuisine Cooking Skills (6 May 2019, B09)
- Originating from Macao: Peranakan Drama (9 May 2019, B09)
- Protecting the Land and the People: Earth God Beliefs Rooted in Macao (13 May 2019, B09)
- The Cult of Chu Tai Sin: Water God Keeps the Peace (16 May 2019, B09)
- Macau's Traditional Scaffolding Craft (20 May 2019, B09)
- The Passion of Redemption: Catholic Procession of the Passion of Jesus for Three Hundred Years (23 May 2019, B09)
Catholic Procession of Our Lady of Fátima (27 May 2019, B09)
Videos co-produced with the media:
Co-produced by MPU and the Macao Daily News, videos have been broadcasted on the “Macao Daily News” Youtube channel on Fridays.
- The Story of Nezha Temple and the Plague
- The Origin of “Leprosy Parish” at St. Lazarus Parish
- The Plague Disaster
- Before Having Water from a Pipe
- Macao's First Chinese Western Medicine Doctor Sun Yat-sen
- Santa Casa da Misericordia Albergue – the Continuation of the Orphanage
- Portuguese Cupid - San Anthony
- A War Affecting the Destiny of Macao
- The City Wall
- Is there a gate on the “Gate Street” (Rua dos Ervanarios)?
- How to Maintain the Supply of Drinking Water in Macao during Salty Tide?
- The First Lighthouse in the Far East Illuminates the City
- The Tragedy of “Selling Piglets” – Chinese Coolies Being Cheated and Transported to Overseas
- Macao's First Chinese Breed of Vaccinia
- Doctor Ke Lin from the Kiang Wu Hospital (Part I)
- Doctor Ke Lin from the Kiang Wu Hospital (Part II)
- The Past and Present of the Bank of China Macao
- Why Macao is called “Macao Streets”?
- Macao and the Anti-Japanese War
- Inheritance of Wood Carving, Scaffolding and Stone Cutting for 180 years
- Why Garden Camões is Called “the Nest of Pigeons”?
- The Boats Made in Macao
- The Birth of National Day Archway
- The Story about Largo do Lilau and an Old Lady
- 水坑尾原來有條大水坑
- 百年樹人 教育會為澳育英才
- 加思欄?欄思加?澳門第一座花園
- 天神巷內無“天神” 圍內里外聚富紳
- 華光誕列澳非遺清單
- 勞校春風化雨七十載
- 下環四圍
- 移山填海 圓澳人藍天夢
- 當舖與“二叔公”
- 典當業 與時俱進
- 無私大愛 胡子義神父