

Cardiac troponins: Potential biomarkers for the detection of subclinical coronary artery disease in athletes participating in endurance sports

European Journal of Preventive Cardiology*, 2018,25(1):110-111

作者Jinlei Nie

 A growing body of evidence suggests that prolonged, strenuous exercise may result in the appearance of cardiac troponins (cTns; cTn, cTnT and/or cTnI), which are highly specific biomarkers of cardiomyocyte insult. Though there has been no consensus as to the mechanisms or clinical relevance of such findings, the universal increases in cTn even during routine training in athletes suggest that the phenomenon, in most cases, is physiological. However, it is pertinent to note that even highly trained athletes are not ‘protected’ from exercise-related sudden cardiac death; thus, the ability to assess athletes appropriately is helped by discriminating the physiological and pathological cTn responses to prolonged exercise bouts.


* With an impact factor among those of the top 25% in Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems

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