李克峰 Li Kefeng
副教授,博士生導師。主要研究領域包括多組學數據整合分析在揭示復雜慢性疾病的發病機制、藥物新靶點發現、藥物作用機制、毒理評價等的方面應用,以及基於深度學習的醫療大數據挖掘與分析和新型複合診斷模型的構建。開創了新一代全景式靶向暴露組和代謝組學方法。以第一作者或通訊作者在World Psychiatry (5-year IF: 66.7)、PNAS (IF:13.45)、Advanced Science (IF:18.94)、BMC Medicine (IF:11.13)、JACC Cardiovasc Interv. (IF:10.55) 、Environ Int. (IF:13.24) 、Environ Sci Technol. (IF:12.15) 、Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. (IF:11.21) 等發表論文100餘篇。主持完成國家自然科學基金海外和港澳台項目、美國Christini 基金、山西省百人計劃海外項目等。擔任Current Pharmaceutical Design 雜誌編委,Mil. Med. Res.雜誌青年編委,美國EPA、以色列農業部基金項目通訊評審人以及Nature Communications, Annals of Internal Medicine 等數十個IF>10的權威雜誌的審稿人。
2007-2012 美國密歇根理工大學, 生物學 博士
2004-2007 天津大學,生藥學 碩士
2000-2004 天津中醫藥大學,中藥學 學士
2023-至今 澳門理工大學,應用科學學院,客座副教授
2012-2022 美國加州大學聖地亞哥分校 博士後、研究助理教授、研究副教授
- 基於深度學習和因果推斷的代謝組方法開發和數據分析
- 基於多組學整合分析的複雜疾病閒的共病機制和新型藥物靶點的發現
- 基於人工智能的醫療大數據挖掘與分析
- 中藥和天然產物治療複雜精神疾病(自閉症和抑鬱症等)
- Li K#, Henry HY Tong#, Chen Y#, Sun Y, Wang J. The emerging roles of next-generation metabolomics in critical care nutrition. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2022. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2022.2113761. (5-year IF:11.21, #co-first, same below).
- J Zheng, K Wang, Y Wang*, Li K*. Precautions for study design and data interpretation of clinical metabolomics. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2022, 119(5): e2118654119. (IF: 13.45,*corresponding author).
- Wang QS, Yan K, Li KD, Gao LN, Wang X, Liu H, Zhang Z, Li K*, Cui YL*. Targeting hippocampal phospholipid and tryptophan metabolism for antidepressant-like effects of albiflorin. Phytomedicine, 2021, 92:15735. (IF: 6.14).
- Cui S, Li L, Zhang Y, Lu J, Wang X, Song X, Liu J* and Li K*. Machine learning identifies metabolic signatures that predict the risk of recurrent angina in remitted patients after percutaneous coronary intervention: A multicenter prospective cohort study. Adv Sci. 2021; 8:2003893. (IF: 18.94).
- Li J, Yang Z, Qiu H, Wang Y, Jian L, Ji J and Li K*. Anxiety and depression among general population in China at the peak of the COVID-19 epidemic. World Psychiatry. 2020;19:249-250. (IF: 66.75).
- Ji J, Song L, Wang J, Yang Z, Yan H, Li T, Yu L, Jian L, Jiang F, Li J*, Zheng J* and Li K*. Association between urinary per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances and COVID-19 susceptibility. Environ Int. 2021; 153:106524. (IF: 13.24).
- Li K*, JC Naviaux, SS Lingampelly, Wang L, JM Monk, CM Taylor, C Ostle, S Batten, RK Naviaux*. Historical biomonitoring of pollution trends in the North Pacific using archived samples from the continuous plankton recorder survey. Sci Total Environ. 2022, 161222. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.161222. (IF: 10.75).
- Li K, Schon M, Naviaux JC, Monk JM, Alchus-Laiferova N, Wang L, Straka I, Matejicka P, Valkovic P, Ukropec J, et al. Cerebrospinal fluid and plasma metabolomics of acute endurance exercise. FASEB J. 2022; 36:e22408. (IF: 6.10).
- Li K, Bertrand K, Naviaux JC, Monk JM, Wells A, Wang L, Lingampelly SS, Naviaux RK, Chambers C. Metabolomic and exposomic biosignatures in human milk that predict risk of future neurodevelopmental delay. Pediatr. Res. 2022, doi: 10.1038/s41390-022-02283-6. (IF: 3.95).
- Wang J, Sun Y, Teng S and Li K*. Prediction of sepsis mortality using metabolite biomarkers in the blood: a meta-analysis of death-related pathways and prospective validation. BMC Med. 2020; 18:83. (IF: 11.13).
- Yang Z, Jian L, Qiu H, Zhang C, Cheng S, Ji J, Wang Y, Li J*, and Li K*. Understanding complex functional wiring patterns in major depressive disorder through brain functional connectome. Transl Psychiatry 2021; 11(1): 526. (IF: 7.97).
- Cui S#, Li K#*, Ang L, Liu J, Cui L, Song X, Lv S and Mahmud E*. Plasma phospholipids and sphingolipids identify stent restenosis after percutaneous coronary intervention. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2017; 10:1307-1316. (IF: 10.55).