


日期:2022年9月21日(星期三) 2:30 PM
編號 時間 詳情
  2:30-2:45 PM 唐海誼主任做開幕致辭
題目:Research ethics in artificial intelligence driven drug discovery
1 2:45-3:00 PM 題目:Study on mental health of left-behind children)
報告人:翟小兵 (導師:唐海誼,李克峰)
2 3:00-3:15 PM 題目:Theoretical Design of High Efficiency Donor-Switch-Acceptor Organic Solar Cells
報告人:焦芳芳 (導師:郭晶晶)
3 3:15-3:30 PM 題目:烟蚜腸道細菌多樣性與烟鹼適應性的關係研究
報告人:何寶玉 (導師:郭晶晶)
4 3:30-3:45 PM 題目:Design of Metal Modified Cathode Materials and Study of the Mechanism of Anchoring Lithium Polysulfide by These Materials
報告人:周風宜 (導師:唐海誼,王鐸) 
5 3:45-4:00 PM 題目:General Mechanism of Drug-Target Recognition Investigated by Enhanced Sampling Algorithms
報告人:王玲玲 (導師:劉煥香)
6 4:00-4:15 PM 題目:Construction of Interpretable Molecular Property Prediction Model and Application of Deep Generation Model in the Design of Agonists of GLP-1R
報告人:田亞楠 (導師:劉煥香)
  4:15-4:25 PM 休息
7 4:25-4:40 PM 題目:Transition metal catalyzed organic reactions: from experimental to theoretical studying
報告人:嚴瀟 (導師:劉煥香)
8 4:40-4:55 PM 題目:Computer aided discovery of  diagnostic biomarker and novel active compound
報告人:孟維宇 (導師:劉煥香)
9 4:55-5:10 PM 題目:Rational Design of Small Molecule Inhibitors Targeting PD-L1
報告人:龔曉慶 (導師:劉煥香)
10 5:10-5:25 PM 題目:Personalized Document-level Sentiment Analysis Based on User Correlation Mining
報告人:丘佳悅 (導師:劉煥香)
11 5:25-5:40 PM 題目:Molecular mechanism study on the effect of proanthocyanidins on the aggregation of Prion and Tau Protein
報告人:李沁 (導師:劉煥香)

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