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MPI Teacher and Students Study Rehabilitation Therapy in Sichuan

For the purpose of enhancing the academic exchange between mainland China and Macao, learning the implementation progress of rehabilitation therapy after the WenChuan earthquake, and providing students with the opportunity to study medical rescue techniques, the School of Health Sciences has organised a teacher and 15 students of Nursing Programme to participate in an exchange programme held by SiChuan University (SCU) - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University: Institute for Disaster Management and Reconstruction.

SiChuan University is a top-tier university of the People's Republic of China. The Institute for Disaster Management and Reconstruction, which is founded with the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, is the world’s first higher education institute specialised in disaster management. Besides Macao Polytechnic Institute (MPI), SCU, the SiChuan 81 Rehabilitation Centre and MianZhu Rehabilitation Centre have also participated in this exchange program. MPI participants have been arranged to attend the trainings of spinal cord injury recovery and medical rescue techniques. In the meantime, they have experienced one of the finest clinical rehabilitation system in the world – Caren system, visited the spinal cord injured patients in the 512 WenChuan earthquake, and provided medical care suggestions to the patients. In addition, MPI participants have visited the Museum of SCU, Dujiangyan Irrigation System and Du Fu's thatched cottage in ChengDu.

The teacher of the School of Health Sciences stated that this was a meaningful trip, and it is good to see MPI students helping patients with professional nursing knowledge. Students who participated in this exchange thank MPI for organising such a programme, which has made them understand the development and knowledge of rehabilitation therapy. Moreover, by having interactions with the earthquake survivors, students have been inspired and encouraged to study harder, in order to become nursing professionals and make contributions to the Macao society.

Student Sharing (Content in Chinese only)


四川大學-香港理工大學災後重建與管理學院是在汶川大地震後本著“地球人都要有災害意識”的理念而建成,我對災後重建工作以及災難應急技巧的課程感到新鮮,也參觀了綿竹縣人民醫院及進行災害醫學救援的交流。在院內有大量的專業醫療團隊及完善的設備可供傷患者進行各種治療,我對「卡倫」的印象深刻,這是全國首次用在醫療方面的一台軍事系統,這是一台高而龐大的科技設備,能測試患者的肌肉使用幅度和平衡力。 而最難忘的是與那些脊髓傷員聊天,他們經歷過波折的人生,但展現出堅定的意志,他們讓我感受到的不是傷痛,而是活著真好。







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