Go To Macao Polytechnic University


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Journal (Issue)
科學引文索引 Science Citation Index (SCI / SCIE)
Henry H. Y. Tong
Aviva S. F. Chow
H. M. Chan
Albert H. L. Chow
Yetta K. Y. Wan
Ian D. Williams
Fanny L. Y. Shek
Chak K. Chan
Process-Induced Phase Transformation of Berberine Chloride Hydrates Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (with an impact factor among those of the top 30% of journals in Multidisciplinary Chemistry), 99(4) ESS
Wong Kin Yeung The Near-Me Area Network IEEE Internet Computing (with an impact factor among those of the top 15% of journals in Software Engineering), 14(2) ESAP
Wong Kin Yeung
K. H. Yeung
Alternative Web Caching Design: A Site-Based Approach IET Communications, 4(12) ESAP
Ying Lau
Daniel Fu Keung Wong
Kin Sin Chan
The Utility of Screening for Perinatal Depression in the Second Trimester Among Chinese: A Three-wave Prospective Longitudinal Study Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 13(2) ESS
Ying Lau
Kin Sun Chan
Perinatal Depressive Symptoms, Sociodemographic Correlates, and Breast-Feeding Among Chinese Women Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing (also listed in SSCI), 23(4) ESS
Sing Lee
King Lam Ng
Kathleen Kwok
Fung Shuk Ching
The Changing Profile of Eating Disorders at a Tertiary Psychiatric Clinic in Hong Kong (1987-2007) International Journal of Eating Disorders (with an impact factor among those of the top 30% of journals listed in SSCI & SCIE respectively in Clinical Psychology & Psychiatry, and Nutrition & Dietetics), 43(4) ESAP
Qingyou Liang
Albert H. L. Chow
Yitao Wang
Henry H. Y. Tong
Ying Zheng
Removal of Toxic Aristolochic Acid Components from Aristolochia Plants by Supercritical Fluid Extraction Separation and Purification Technology (with an impact factor among those of the top 15% of journals in Chemical Engineering), 72(3) ESS
Q.H. Ye
Y. Lau
First description of CTX-M extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing clinical Escherichia coli strains from Macao, China

International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 14(1), e38-e39

社會科學引文索引 Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
Chan Ka Yin Using Neural Networks to Model the Behavior and Decisions of Gamblers, in Particular, Cyber-Gamblers Journal of Gambling Studies (with an impact factor among those of the top 50% of journals in Substance Abuse & Multidisciplinary Psychology), 26(1) ESCE
Haobin Yuan
Beverly A. Williams
Knowledge of Urinary Incontinence Among Chinese Community Nurses and Community-Dwelling Older People Health and Social Care in the Community (with an impact factor among those of the top 30% of journals in Social Work), 18(1) ESS
Lai Sau Ling
To Wai Ming
Importance-Performance Analysis for Public Management Decision Making: An Empirical Study of China’s Macao Special Administrative Region Management Decision, 48(2) ESCE
Li Sheng Competing or Cooperating to Host Mega Events: A Simple Model Economic Modelling, 27(1) GTRC
Li Sheng
Yanming Tsui
A General Equilibrium Approach to Tourism and Welfare: The Case of Macao Habitat International (with an impact factor among those of the top 50% of journals in Urban Studies), 33(4) GTRC
Li Sheng
Yanming Tsui
Foreign Investment in Tourism: The Case of Macao as a Small Tourism Economy Tourism Geographies, 12(2) GTRC
Li Sheng
Yanming Tsui
Taxing Tourism: Enhancing or Reducing Welfare? Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 17(5) GTRC
Gu Xinhua
Li Sheng
A Sensible Policy Tool for Pareto Improvement: Capital Controls Journal of World Trade, 44(3) GTRC
Millissa F. Y. Cheung
To Wai Ming
Management Commitment to Service Quality and Organizational Outcomes Managing Service Quality, 20(3) ESCE
Tao Zhang Decomposing Allocative Efficiency for Multi-Product Production Systems E+M Economics and Management, 13(2), 71-77 ESAP
Tao Zhang Environmental Performance Assessment of China's Manufacturing Asian Economic Journal, 24(1), 45-68 ESAP
藝術與人文引文索 Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)
Mao Sihui Translating the Other: Discursive Contradictions and New Orientalism in Contemporary Advertising in China The Translator (also listed in SSCI), 15(2) BELL
工程索引 Engineering Index (EI)
Lai Sau Ling A Competitiveness Analysis of the Convention Tourism of China's Macao Special Administrative Region World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 60 ESCE
Lai Sau Ling The Role of Web-based Social Media in the Formation of a Tourism Destination Image The MCCSIS 2010 – IADIS International Conference Web Based Communities 2010, Freiburg, Germany, July 2010 ESCE
Wenye Li Facility Locations Revisited: An Efficient Belief Propagation Approach The IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics 2010, Hong Kong, China, August 2010 ESAP
Wong Kin Yeung Cell Phones as Mobile Computing Devices IT Professional, 12(3) ESAP
Xu Yang
John Bigham
Laurie Cuthbert
Call Admission Control Combined with Resource Allocation in 3G Wireless Networks The 2009 IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology and Application, Beijing, China, October 2009 QMUL
Xu Yang
Yapeng Wang

Dapeng Zhang
Laurie Cuthbert
Resource Allocation in LTE OFDMA Systems using Genetic Algorithm and Semi-Smart Antennas The 2010 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC 2010, Sydney, Australia, April 2010 QMUL
Yapeng Wang
Xu Yang
Athen Ma
Laurie Cuthbert
A Simulation Package for Hot-spot Traffic Relief in WCDMA Networks The 5th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Beijing, China, September 2009 QMUL
Yapeng Wang
Xu Yang
Athen Ma
Laurie Cuthbert
Intelligent Resource Optimisation Using Semi-Smart Antennas in LTE OFDMA Systems The 2009 IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology and Application, Beijing, China, October 2009 QMUL
Yu Tat Wai Online Product Review on Manufacturer Sites 2010 IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Sciences (ICSESS 2010), Beijing, China, July 2010 ESCE
Zhonglu Zeng
Yong Zheng
The Grey Model and its Application to the Estimation of Inbound Visitors from Chinese Mainland to Macau The 3rd International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Bangkok, Thailand, November 2009 GTRC
Dejian Meng
Stefan Poslad
Yapeng Wang
An Intelligent Context-Aware Spatial Routing System in Mobile Environment The 5th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Beijing, China, September 2009 QMUL
部門名稱 (Abbreviation of Department)
BELL: 理工貝爾英語中心  MPI-BELL Centre of English
SAA: 學術事務部  Academic Affairs Department
ESAP: 公共行政高等學校  School of Public Administration
ESCE: 管理科學高等學校  School of Business
ESS: 高等衛生學校  School of Health Sciences
GTRC: 博彩教學暨研究中心  Gaming Teaching and Research Centre
QMUL: 理工倫敦大學瑪麗皇后學院資訊系統研究中心 MPI-QMUL Information Systems Research Centre
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