Student Sharing
Belany de Fátima Varela Lopes
Bachelor of Business Administration in Gaming and Recreation Management
I decided to participate in the Macao Running Men because I would like to challenge myself and know my fellow undergraduates .
It was a very good experience. The tasks that were asked to do, showed how I could go out of my comfort zone and I really appreciated the team work.
My teammates were really good persons. They made me feel comfortable and we worked as a team. The communication we had was good and we were always listening to the opinions of the others. We enjoyed out time together.
During this activity, I saw how interesting Macao could be.
I love reading, eating, and sleeping, and the Macao Running Men made me realize that I enjoy other things in life as well and I am grateful for having met the new people.
I think the activity should take place again, because there are many things to explore in Macau.
And when it happens again, I surely hope to participate again and shared my experience with my team mates.
Lao Ka Chon
Bachelor of Science in Computing
The event hosted by MPI, named Macao Running Man, was held on 13th January 2018. It was one of the most interesting, exciting and challenging games that I had ever participated. I was determined to play the game once I saw the poster because I like challenges and exercises. Moreover, I like orienteering, which is the basic idea of the famous TV game show, Running Man. The trainer was Sam Hui, an expert in conducting workshops and trainings. His instruction was very useful and, thanks to him and his team, we all had a joyful day. I was very happy that my team won the game. However, I was a little nervous at the beginning because I had to work with two teammates whom I did not know to complete different missions. Fortunately, we managed to get along well and finished many tasks, including the mandatory and bonus tasks. Without my teammates I could not have done those missions, such as proposing to a stranger on a staircase and pretending to be a uniformed staff member at a shop.
Although the tasks were very challenging, they all turned into valuable memories in my mind. I was really amazed by the bonds between me my and two teammates and their spirits during the game. For instance, our first mandatory task was to guess the things on a series of pictures and my teammates guessed most of them within a very short period of time. When we went to Check Point 2 and were asked to do a single-leg stand with our eyes closed, my teammates put all their efforts in and made the longest stand in the game. Having said that , the most remarkable thing in this game that we did was proposing to a stranger. It was surely to their credits that this task could be completed. In my opinion, it requires a lot of courage to propose to a person in a public place with many onlookers .
To summarize, team work and team spirit were important and fundamental in completing Macao Running Man. Without good communication between the team members, most of the missions could never have been accomplished. Different people have different barriers and it would be extremely hard for a person to break through his barrier all by his self. However, sometimes it would be easier to do so with the help of and encouragement from, other people. Because of the game, I found that many strangers were very nice and easy to talk to. I am very grateful for the opportunity to participate in such incredible event. Macao Running Man really offered a good opportunity for MPI’s undergraduates students to improving themselves in an all-round manner and have fun. Therefore, I believe it should in the future for the interest of all MPI’s undergraduates take place again.
Wu Yi
Bachelor of Arts in Portuguese Language
Leong Chon Hin
Bachelor of E-Commerce
Lu Xiyue
Bachelor of Arts in Chinese-English Translation and Interpretation
很早就報名了這個活動,更多是因為電視綜藝節目“Running Man”的影響,覺得如果自己置身其中,那將是一個很酷的體驗。
語言的良好運用對於交流真的很重要,雖然我們group 4在這方面有些欠缺,但是我們仍然培養了良好的感情。唯一的遺憾是我們在尋找任務點的路上耽誤了很多時間,以至於我們錯失了很多進行隨機任務和即時任務的機會。即使如此,我認為獎品或者名次並不重要,重要的是結識了新朋友、彼此之間一天的交流、過程中我們獲得快樂,這些才是獨一無二的。Álvaro很擅長運動,我一般負責帶路,Maria負責我和Álvaro的交流,我們彼此相輔相成,互相包容。就像是不同文化的交融,他們的熱情友善感染了我,我也努力的把我的開心傳達給他們。我們現在成為了朋友,瞭解到對方喜歡的歌手、電影和生日等,真的很奇妙。
Zhang Li
Bachelor of Arts in Chinese-Portuguese/Portuguese-Chinese Translation and Interpretation
新學期的第一個週六,我有幸參加了期待已久的“Macau Running Man個性培養營”。
在活動過程中,我和隊友們相互配合,齊心協力地完成了各項任務。隊友Mariana雖然是葡萄牙人,但她對澳門十分瞭解,因此我們幾乎毫不費力就能快速到達地圖上的指定位置,甚至當我們需要完成 “電梯裡自拍”的任務時,她也能帶領隊伍準確地找到電梯;當我們需要挑戰具有社交性的任務時,就常常由隊友Wesley帶頭出面,比如在人群中舉著一塊寫有“Free Hug”的牌子,或是與一位陌生人共舞;而我則是隊伍裡的攝影師了,主要負責拍照以及邀請陌生人協助我們完成拍照任務,並不時提醒一下隊友們剩餘的時間。
Tao Jueru
Bachelor of Social Sciences in Sino-Lusophone Trade Relations
我很慶幸自己參加了“Macau Running Man個性培養營”, 也很榮幸在活動中取得了理想的成績。最初報名只是想豐富一下課餘生活並結識新朋友,然而這次活動帶給我的收穫遠遠不止這些。首先是自我挑戰的勇氣。面對體力與智力的雙重考驗, 面對那些看似不可能完成的任務,我沒有輕言放棄,結果證明所謂的不可能不過是自我設置的限制,如果不勇敢邁出那一步,怎麼會知道平時害羞的我能在街上面對一群陌生人唱歌跳舞?又怎會在“你劃我猜”中發現自己有很強的聯想能力?當然這也離不開小組隊友的鼓勵,雖然此前我們並不相識,但卻能迅速凝聚在一起,互相信賴,互相加油,互相為彼此的成功喝彩。正是這次活動,讓我進一步相信團隊的力量,而且理解一個團隊的成功離不開每一個成員的付出,只有每一個人都發揮自身優勢、實現自身價值,才能共同邁向成功。此外這次活動引領我去關注身邊的人,無論是向一名默默的警員表達感謝,還是給予路人一個擁抱,都會使這個社會更加溫暖,更加有人情味。我希望這個活動能再次舉辦,與其說這是一場競賽,不如說這是一場歡樂的自我探索之旅,在這次旅程中每個人都是贏家,因此值得更多同學的參與。