MPU Holds Lunch Choral Salon to Bring Youthful Energy to Campus
To promote the healthy growth of students, and to create a relaxing and joyful learning environment, the Student Affairs Office of Macao Polytechnic University (MPU) organised the Lunchtime Choral Salon in the lobby of the Meng Tak Building at the university. The event was held to bring youthful energy to the campus and to showcase the results of the teaching of singing to the audience. Everyone enjoyed the warm and lively atmosphere of the show.
The choir members were Year 2 and Year 3 students of the Bachelor of Arts in Music from the Faculty of Arts and Design at MPU. The piano and piccolo accompanists were Miss Wong Chi Yan and Miss Lei Weng Chiang, respectively, both Year 4 students of the programme, while the Project Coordinator, Associate Professor Ms Maria Vanessa Leão, was the conductor. Ms Leão said that six different styles of songs were chosen this time, which aimed to deliver hope during the pandemic, diffuse a sense of positivity, soothe emotions, and look to the future. One of the choir members, student Chan, said that the performance was lively and inspirational. In particular, there was one song which added vocals to replace parts usually played by musical instruments and, combined with the energetic movements of all the members, this made everyone feel refreshed and enjoyed a joyful and warm music Choral Salon.
Macao Polytechnic University is dedicated to promoting the development of Macao's cultural and creative industries. The Student Affairs Office hopes to raise students' interest in music through the Lunchtime Choral Salon, and to promote the learning of artistic creativity. In addition, it is also about creating a relaxing and happy learning environment, enriching students' school life and enhancing the healthy physical and mental development of students.