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MPI Students Benefit from Participating in the Greater Bay Area Nurse Cam

MPI Students Provided First Aid Teaching Service to Guangzhou Middle School Students

During summer vacation, the School of Health Sciences and Student Affairs Office of Macao Polytechnic Institute (MPI), and the Sun Yat-Sen University (SYSU) co-organised the "2018 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Summer Nurse Camp" with the theme of "Learn Lingnan Culture, Discover the Essence of Nursing". Approximately 20 MPI students, together with students from China and Hong Kong, gathered at SYSU in Guangzhou to participate in the 2-week nurse camp.

Founded by Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, SYSU is a first-class modern comprehensive university in China with distinctive advantages in medical sciences, and there are 10 hospitals affiliated with the university. For the purpose of enhancing students' understanding of the nursing education in China, and the history of Lingnan humanities and culture, there were lectures organised during the nurse camp on the topics of “The Status of Nursing Education in China” and "Lingnan History and Culture", as well as arranged visits to the Guangdong Museum, Haixinsha Asian Games Theme Park, the Museum of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen and Zhongshan Zhan Park. Teachers and students of Hong Kong and Macao also introduced the developments of nursing education in Hong Kong and Macao, thus promoting the professional exchanges in the field of nursing among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. MPI students were given the opportunity to do practical training at the First Affiliated Hospital and Cancer Center of SYSU, to enrich their knowledge and clinical experience of medical science and nursing. Moreover, MPI students went to the No.71 Middle School of Guangzhou to provide first aid teaching service in English to approximately 200 middle school students.

Student Choi of the MPI Nursing programme said that through participating in this nurse camp, her understanding of the new concepts in the fields of education and management of modern nursing had been deepened. She also benefited a lot and learned about the knowledge of radiotherapy and chemotherapy by visiting the Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Ward. Student Chao felt both excited and nervous to be a volunteer teacher. However, while looking at the middle school students who study earnestly, she realised the responsibility and fulfillment of being a teacher. She put a lot of effort into preparing the lessons and teaching in class, and therefore earned the Guangzhou middle school students’ approval and friendship.

MPI indicates that based on past experience, this year's nurse camp not only provided opportunities for students to understand the development of nursing professions, the scale of tertiary hospitals and the practical operations of nursing staff in China, but also highlighted the element of Lingnan culture to enhance students’ understanding of the value of Lingnan culture and the cultural cohesion of the Greater Bay Area. Therefore, the summer nurse camp was able to bring great benefits to cultivate students' professional nursing skills and promote the cultural exchanges among students in the Greater Bay Area.

MPI Students Participated in the Greater Bay Area Nurse Camp

Student Sharing (Content in Chinese only)



中山大學附屬第一醫院為國家三級甲等醫院,是華南地區醫療、教學、科研、預防保健和康復的重要基地。在兩天的見習中,中醫的門診及病房確實令我大開眼界,甚至讓我們親自嘗試拔罐療法,是一種不同於西醫護理的新體驗。而在第71中學的英文義教使我最難忘的無疑是一班可愛的學生了,在他們身上我看到了認真, 他們為了表演節目每晚排練、揮灑汗水,看見這樣的畫面,讓我覺得青春無悔。


我從夏令營中收穫了許多東西、提高了自信、結識了新朋友、得到了更多新知識。在中山醫院見習的四天,讓我見識到中國內地醫療設備的先進,並很榮幸能夠到心內科及中醫科實踐,這兩個科室是我從來沒有到過的科室,實在令我大開眼界。而在專業的腫瘤科醫院中,學會除了腫瘤科病人的生理照護外,也要照護其心理。除此之外,在不同的參觀體驗中了解到嶺南文化的博大精深,更到各歷史博物館參觀並了解不少偉人事蹟。 而在義教的過程中,我是第一次當老師,第一次用英語教學,第一次領導一個班。學生們非常乖巧,對學習很有熱誠,面對著如此優良的學生讓我對老師這個職業產生了憧憬及更加尊重。











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