Go To Macao Polytechnic University


Science Citation Index (SCI / SCIE)
Kenneth K.C. Man
Henry H.Y. Tong
Lisa Y.L. Wong
Esther W. Chan
Emily Simonoff
Ian C.K. Wong
Exposure to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors during pregnancy and risk of autism spectrum disorder in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studiesNeuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 2015,49:82–89
-IFR: Top 5.88% in Behavioral Sciences
-IFR: Top 5.95% in Neurosciences
Ma Zhiqiang
Wang Lili
Zhang Boning
Ke Wei
Zhao Qinping
Fast and compact dynamic data compression based on composite rigid body constructionScience China-Information Sciences,2014,57(11):112105:1-112105:19
- Also listed in EI
Bin Fu
Yibing Wang
Xiali Zhang
Bin Lang
Xiaocheng Zhou
Xiaoyuan Xu
Tao Zeng
Weipeng Liu
Xu Zhang
Ju Guo
Gongxian Wang
miR-221-induced PUMA silencing mediates immune evasion of bladder cancer cellsInternational Journal of Oncology, 2015,46(3):1169-1180
- IFR: Top 45.5% in Oncology
Gan Yu
Heng Li
Ji Wang
Kiranmai Gumireddy
Anping Li
Weimin Yao
Kun Tang
Wei Xiao
Junhui Hu
Haibing Xiao
Bing Lang
Zhangqun Ye
Qihong Huang
Hua Xu
MicroRNA-34a suppresses cell proliferation and metastasis by targeting CD44 in human renal carcinoma cellsJournal of Urology, 2014,192(4):1229-1237
- IFR: Top 11.84% in Urology & Nephrology
Lili Wang
Wei Ke
Voicu Popescu
Second-order feed-forward rendering for specular and glossy reflectionsIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2014,20(9):1316-1329
- IFR: Top 7.7% in Computer Science, Software Engineering
- Also listed in EI
Zhengzheng Zhou
Henry H. Y. Tong
Liang Li
Fanny L. Y. Shek
Yang Lv
Ying Zheng
Synthesis, characterization and thermal analysis of ursolic acid solid formsCrystal Research & Technology, 2015,50(7):538-548ESS
Wai-Ming To
Linda S.L. Lai

David W.K. Chung
Andy W.L. Chung
Cinema cloud: An enabling technology for the movie industryIT Professional,2014,16(5):50-55
- Also listed in EI
Wai-Ming To
Linda S.L. Lai
Crowdsourcing in China: Opportunities and concernsIT Professional, 2015,17(3):53-59ESCE
Wai-Ming To
Linda S. L. Lai
Data analytics in China: Trends, issues, and challengesIT Professional,2014,17(4):49-55
- Also listed in EI
Haifeng Zhang
Tom K. Tong
Weifeng Qiu
Jingjing Wang
Jinlei Nie
Yuxiu He
Effect of high-intensity interval training protocol on abdominal fat reduction in overweight Chinese women: a randomized controlled trialKinesiology,2015(47)1:57-66
- Also listed in SSCI
Tao ZhangEstimating Malmquist indices and semi-parametric censored regressions with a coherent data-generating processIMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 2015, 26(1):63-81
- Also listed in SSCI & EI
Wei Xiao
Ji Wang
Heng Li
Ding Xia
Gan Yu
Weimin Yao
Yang Yang
Haibing Xiao
Bin Lang
Xin Ma
Xiaolin Guo
Wei Guan
Hua Xu/
Jihong Liu
Xu Zhang
Zhangqun Ye
Fibulin-1 is epigenetically down-regulated and related with bladder cancer recurrenceBMC Cancer, 2014,14:677
- IFR: Top 37.91% in Oncology
Xiaoyuan Xu
Jianjun Xiong
Tao Wang
Meirong Zheng
Ping Wu
Xinping Wang
He Jiang
Benyi Yi
Bin Lang
Weidong Li
GABPβ2 expression during osteogenic differentiation from human osteoblast-like Saos-2 cellsFolia Histochemica et Cytobiologica,2014,52(3):225-231ESS
Lili Wang
Shiheng Zhou
Wei Ke
Voicu Popescu
GEARS: A general and efficient algorithm for rendering shadowsComputer Graphics Forum, 2014,33(6):264-275
- IFR: Top17.3% in Computer Science and Software Engineering
Liang Li
Tao Yi
Christopher Wai-kei Lam
Inhibition of Human Efflux Transporter ABCC2 (MRP2) by Self-emulsifying Drug Delivery System: Influences of Concentration and Combination of ExcipientsJournal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences,2014,17(4):447-460ESS
Gan Yu
Weimin Yao
Wei Xiao
Heng Li
Hua Xu
Bin Lang
MicroRNA-34a functions as an anti-metastatic microRNA and suppresses angiogenesis in bladder cancer by directly targeting CD44Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research, 2014(33):779
- IFR: Top 20.38% in Oncology
Wai Ming To
Andy W.L. Chung
Noise in restaurants: Levels and mathematical modelNoise & Health,2014,16(73):368-373, ESCE
C.M. Mak
W. M. To
T. Y. Tai
Y. Yun
Sustainable noise control system design for building ventilation systemsIndoor and Built Environment, , 2015,24(1):128-137
- IFR: Top 33.9% in Construction & Building Technology
Zhengzheng Zhou
Henry H. Y. Tong
Liang Li
Fanny L. Y. Shek
Yang Lv
Ying Zheng
Synthesis, crystal structures and phase transformation of the new solid-state forms of tetrandrineRSC Advances,2014(4):62586-62593,
- IFR: Top 21.02%in Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
Kaze Wong
Angus Wong
Alan Yeung
Wei Fan
Su-Kit Tang
Trust and privacy exploitation in online social networksIT Professional,2014,16(5):28-33
- Also listed in EI
Yibing Wang
Gongxian Wang
Xiali Zhang
Xiaocheng Zhou
Zhihuan Liu
Liang Huang
Rensheng Liu
Bin Lang
Xiaoyuan Xu
Weipeng Liu
Longlong Fu
Bin Fu
γ‑secretase inhibitor inhibits bladder cancer cell drug resistance and invasion by reducing epithelial‑mesenchymal transitionMolecular Medicine Reports,2015,12(2):2821-2827, ESS
Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
Vanessa Amaro“We”, “They” and the spaces in-between: hybridity in intercultural interactions between Portuguese and Chinese residents in MacauMultilingua,2015,34(3):293-318, ESCE
Zeng ZhongLuCapital controls: Economic models and contingency strategiesGlobal Policy,2014,5(4):503-504, GTRC
Linda S.L.Lai
W.M. To

Content analysis of social media: A grounded theory approachJournal of Electronic Commerce Research, 2015,16(2):138-152, ESCE
Fung Yi Millissa Cheung
Wai Ming To
Do task- and relation-oriented customers co-create a better quality of service? An empirical study of customer-dominant logicManagement Decision,2015,53(1):179-197,
- IFR:Top 41.62% in Management
- IFR:Top 49.57% in Business
W.M. To
E.F. Martin Jr.
Billy T.W. Yu
Effect of management commitment to internal marketing on employee work attitudeInternational Journal of Hospitality Management,2015,45:14-21,
- IFR:Top 16.28% in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism
Lily LimEngaging student interpreters in vocabulary building: Web search with computer workbenchReCALL,2014,26(3):355-373,
- IFR:Top 15.8% in Linguistics;
- IFR : Top18.3% in Education & Educational Research
- Also listed in AHCI
Dicky Wai Leung LaiMacao’s welfare model: An extreme world of welfare capitalism?International Social Work, 2014,57(6):676-687ESAP
Engineering Index (EI)
Wenye LiA unified framework for privacy preserving data clusteringLecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014,8834:319-326ESAP
Jiaqi Tan
Wenye Li
Haoming Li
Automated text categorization by generalized kernel machinesProceedings of 2014 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation(ICIA),(pp. 376-381). IEEEESAP
Z.T. Wang
C. T. Lam
M. Wang
Z.M. Wu
F. Wan
Delay analysis of IEEE802.15.6 use of emergency medical services on human body communication6th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering, Vol. 45 of the series IFMBE Proceedings (pp. 723-727). Springer International PublishingESAP
Wenye LiEarly-stopping regularized least-squares classificationLecture Notes in Computer Science,2014,8866:278-285ESAP
Wenye LiGaussian process learning: A divide-and-conquer approachLecture Notes in Computer Science,2014,8866:262-269ESAP
Jia Wen Li
Xi Mei Chen
Peng Un Mak
Sio Hang Pun
Chan-Tong Lam
Yue Ming Gao
Mang I Vai
Min Du
Investigation on error performance for galvanic-type intra-body communication with experiment7th Biomedical Engineering International Conference,BMEiCON,2014,Fukuoka,JapanESAP
Haoming Li
Wenye Li
Jiaqi Tan
Modularity-based community detection in large networks: An empirical evaluationProceedings of 2014 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation(ICIA),(pp. 1131-1136). IEEEESAP
Wenye LiPrivacy preserving clustering: A k-means type extensionLecture Notes in Computer Science,2014,8835:319-326ESAP
Ma Zhiqiang
Wang Lili
Zhang Xinwei
Ke Wei
Zhao Qinping
Remote visualization for 3D dynamic scene based on image spaceComputer Research and Development,2014,51(11):2559-2572
- Also listed in Chinese Key Journals
Luo Peipeng, Paper
Tse Tan Sim, Rita
Research experience of big data analytics: The tools for government - a case using social network in mining preferences of touristsProceedings of the 8th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2014) (pp.312-315). ACM New York, USAESAP
Remarks:Authors highlighted in bold characters are from MPI; IFR stands for impact factor ranking.
部門名稱 (Abbreviation of Department)
ESAP: 公共行政高等學校
School of Public Administration
ESCE: 管理科學高等學校
School of Business
ESEFD: 體育暨運動高等學校
School of Physical Educational and Sports  
ESLT: 語言暨翻譯高等學校 
School of Languages and Translation
ESS: 高等衛生學校 
School of Health Sciences
GTRC: 博彩教學暨研究中心
Gaming Teaching and Research Centre
MPI-QMUL: 理工-倫大資訊系統研究中心
MPI-QMUL Information Systems Research Centre (ISRC)
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