
About MPU

Prof. Nyaw Mee-Kau

Prof. Nyaw Mee-Kau

Prof. Nyaw Mee-Kau

Professor Nyaw Mee-Kau is a senior education administrator and renowned scholar in Business Management. He has served as the Vice President of Lingnan University and Chair Professor of Organization and Management and Department Head in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has also been appointed Visiting Advisory Professor at several leading universities in Mainland China including Nanjing University, South China University of Technology and Northeastern University.

Engaged in higher education for over 30 years, Professor Nyaw began his teaching career in the former Nangang University in Singapore and then the Chinese University of Hong Kong. From 1983 to 1984, under the Commonwealth Universities Fellowship Scheme, he spent a year as a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh. In 1995 he was invited to Lingnan College (later renamed as Lingnan University) as its Vice President until his retirement in 2008. At Lingnan he also concurrently held other senior administrative positions including the Founding Director of the Hong Kong Institute of Business Studies and Director of the Teaching and Learning Centre, overseeing the administrative work of quality assurance of teaching and learning and research administration of the university.

In terms of his academic publications, Professor Nyaw has authored/co-authored or edited over 25 books and has published more than 130 academic papers over the years. His scholarly articles have appeared in top-tier international journals such as Journal of International Business StudiesJournal of Applied PsychologyJournal of Management StudiesJournal of International Management, and International Business Review. Some of his papers were included as chapters in specialized business and management books published by well-known international publishers such as Clarendon Press (Oxford University), M.E. Sharpe, Inc., Walter de Gruyer, Prentice-Hall and Routledge Publishers. His latest monograph, entitled Enriching Lives: The History of Insurance in Hong Kong 1841-2010, was published by the University of Hong Kong Press in 2010.

Professor Nyaw's papers have won him international acclaim. According to a survey, his joint paper published in the Journal of International Business Studies in 2001, entitled “A Dual Parent Perspective on Control and Performance in International Joint Ventures: Lessons from a Developing Economy”, was ranked seventh worldwide in terms of most cited empirical papers according to SSCI (up to 2006). In addition, his other joint paper published in 2005 in the same journal, entitled “Human Resources and International Joint Venture Performance: A System Perspective”, was selected as one of the Top 12“Papers of Excellence” by the Academy of Management in the United States in 2007.

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