3-5/2022 澳門理工大學關注學生心靈培育共同打造健康校園 MPU Cares about Students' Psychological Wellbeing and Co-Builds Healthy Campus
* A different session of this activity was also specially organised for the staff members.
4/2022 澳門理工大學辦午間合唱沙龍為校園注入青春動力 MPU Campus Energised by Lunch Choral Salon
^ This activity was open for all students and staff members.
10-11/2021 澳理工與學生共建心靈驛站 MPI Hosts "The Soul's Corner" Activities
5/2021 澳理工舉辦午間合唱沙龍 為校園注入正向能量 MPI Held Lunch Choral Salon to infuse the Campus with Positivity