
Activities Calendar

Headline:The Sixth National Conference on Cognitive Translation Studies and 2023 Annual Symposium of China Association for Comparative Studies of English and Chinese-Society of Cognitive Translation Studies

活動名稱 Name of Event:


The Sixth National Conference on Cognitive Translation Studies and the 2023 Annual Conference of CACSEC Society of Cognitive Translation Studies
Cognitive Translation Studies: Diversity in Translation Studies in the Age of Digital Humanities

活動簡介 Introduction:


To promote the development of cognitive translation studies in China and facilitate academic discussion and exchange between scholars, five annual conferences on Cognitive Translation Studies have been held, at Guizhou Normal University (2017), Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (2018), Renmin University of China (2019), Tongji University (2021) and Jilin University (2022) respectively. “The 6th National Conference on Cognitive Translation Studies and 2023 Annual Symposium of China Association for Comparative Studies of English and Chinese-Society of Cognitive Translation Studies” will be held at Macao Polytechnic University on 3-5 November 2023. The conference will feature keynote speeches and parallel sessions for the presentation and discussion of up-to-date cognitive translation studies.

活動日期 Date:


活動地點 Venue:

Macao Polytechnic University

主辦單位 Organiser:

Faculty of Languages and Translation, Macao Polytechnic University

查詢 Enquiry:

(86) 13040839038

網頁 Website:

Event Date:2023-11-03 ~ 2023-11-05
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