

Finance Office

Finance Office, being the division of the Administration and Finance Department, is responsible for budget execution and financial management issues in compliance with statutory requirements. Our major functions include:

  1. Ensure good financial management;
  2. Prepare annual management reports of the University and other relevant reports;
  3. Prepare and update accounts of the University;
  4. Develop and update operational rules for financial activities and ensure their implementation;
  5. Be responsible for treasury operations;
  6. Receive and process various income of the University and other income in accordance with the law;
  7. Ensure normal flow of capital.
Office Hours: Cashier service Other service
Monday to Thursday: 09:00 – 17:45 09:00 – 13:00, 14:30 – 17:45
Friday: 09:00 – 17:30 09:00 – 13:00, 14:30 – 17:30
Close on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays


Phone (853) 8599 6106 / 8599 6232
Enquiry hotline for
student payments
(853) 8599 6229 / 8599 6130
Fax (853) 2853 0704


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