

Registration of General Repairing Service Supplier

A. New supplier - Material submission for registration*

  1. Contribuição Industrial - Conhecimento de cobrança (M/8) - copy <most recently>;
  2. Certidão de ausência de dívidas fiscais - original/certified copy <Issue date of the documents must not exceed in 90 days counting from receipt date of application>;
  3. Certidão do registo comercial (if any) - original/certified copy <Issue date of the documents must not exceed in 90 days counting from receipt date of application>;
  4. Certificado de pagamento das contribuições para o Fundo de Segurança Social – copy (if any) <Issue date of the documents must not exceed in 90 days counting from receipt date of application>;
  5. DSSCU registration/renewal certificate of company or builder (Execução de obras) – copy <of the year>;
  6. Company resume: Including the construction project list which has been implemented within 5 years.


a. Only accept the local supplier in operating the business for more than one year.
b. Contribuição Industrial - Conhecimento de cobrança(M/8) – The activity code must include at least type 500020 and will be applied in MPU general repairing request for quotation list, between the range of over MOP15,000 and up to MOP500,000.
c. Contribuição Industrial - Conhecimento de cobrança(M/8) –The activity code must include at least type 500030 or 500040 or 500090 and will be applied in MPU general repairing request for quotation list, in the range of equal to or under MOP15,000.
d. The scope of general repairing mentioned including the works except air conditioning, high voltage, low voltage electrical works(electrical/electronic equipment, CCTV, audio-visual equipment & telephone/telecommunications equipment, etc.), glass, hardware/tools, blacksmiths, locksmiths, plumbing/drainage, painting, waterproofing, carpets and curtains works etc…or involving the items for multi type repairing works specified above.
e. The above information must be verified and accepted by MPU before considering as qualified supplier (Counting from receipt date of application, applicants must submit all materials within 30 days, otherwise will be deemed as abandonment.)
f. For the scope of professional repairing work, MPU has the right to request the supplier to submit copy of registration certificate stipulated by relevant laws.

B. Material submission for annual renewal (Submit from January to February each year)

Material to be submitted for renewal application will be the same as mentioned above in item A point no.1 to point no.6. (If the information in item A point no.3 to point no.4 remains unchanged, the documents can be replaced by a declaration provided by the supplier instead). The above information must be verified and accepted by MPU before considering as qualified supplier consecutively.

C. Request for quotation process

MPU will select from the list of eligible suppliers (according to the type of service) and base on the existing legislation for inviting at least 3 companies to proceed the tendering process.

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