
Public Events

Date Activity
10/08/2023 第七屆世界中葡翻譯大賽8月25日截止報名
05/07/2023 MPU and the Asia-Pacific Quality Network co-organise “The 15th Higher Education International Conference” and the call for papers is now open
06/06/2023 教育及青年發展局和澳理大合辦 “第七屆世界中葡翻譯大賽”開始接受報名
24/05/2023 世界傑出華人李樂詩於澳理大開講極地科學環保教育
23/05/2023 慶祝澳門基本法頒佈三十週年澳理大舉辦憲法與基本法校園系列活動
13/05/2023 澳理大辦國際護士節國際護理研討會傳承南丁格爾精神
17/04/2023 澳理大與科英布拉大學合辦“中葡新視野”工作坊
04/04/2023 澳理大邀國際設計教育家探討民俗學設計
03/04/2023 澳理大邀灣區學者開講從研究設計到設計研究
31/03/2023 MPU held a seminar commemorating the 30th anniversary of the promulgation of the Macao Basic Law
29/03/2023 第六屆世界中葡翻譯大賽結果揭曉
24/03/2023 澳理大藝術及設計學院邀香港著名鋼琴家舉辦鋼琴大師班
22/03/2023 澳理大舉辦“大灣區社會服務發展分享會”響應2023年世界社工日
21/03/2023 澳理大舉辦“澳門與大灣區的歷史形成:獨特貿易體系的文化投影”講座
17/02/2023 北大-澳理大護理書院舉辦《高質量系統評價的製作》工作坊
23/02/2023 MPU held Seminar on “Basic Rights and Obligations of Macao Residents, Nationality Law and Consular Protection and Assistance”
21/02/2023 澳理大舉辦“護士助理培訓課程”講解會
14/02/2023 澳理大舉辦“憲法與基本法走進校園”系列活動 紀念《澳門特別行政區基本法》頒佈30周年
13/02/2023 澳理大舉辦“跨文化符號學景觀:中國與葡萄牙之對話”線上研討會誠邀參與
03/01/2023 澳理大舉辦光雕投影專業工作坊
13/12/2022 澳理大邀灣區學者分享主題繪畫創作方法與理論建構
07/12/2022 MPU and the Asia Pacific Quality Network jointly organized “The 14th Higher Education International Conference” exploring online teaching & sustainable quality assurance
22/11/2022 澳理大與深圳北站港澳青年創新創業中心合辦“澳青新機遇 逐夢正當時”講座
22/11/2022 澳理大辦跨領域講座探討大數據及醫學人工智能
04/11/2022 北大—澳理大合辦“2022北京大學—澳門理工大學國際護理教育論壇”推動護理教研創新發展
26/10/2022 澳理大邀國際設計師開講從地域振興考察設計新價值的創造與未來
19/10/2022 MPU Holds “Annual Conference on Tourism and Entertainment Technology Innovation 2022”
1/10/2022 “The 14th Higher Education International Conference” Call for Papers until October 24
28/9/2022 Seminar on the creation of the 2022 Winter Olympics mascot "Ice Dundun"
24/9/2022 澳理大舉辦“我們的‘簡約、安全、精彩’全運會”講座
23/9/2022 Webinar on "Inspecting the Creation and Future of New Value of Design from Regional Revitalization"
18/8/2022 教育及青年發展局和澳理大合辦“第六屆世界中葡翻譯大賽”開始接受報名
6/6/2022 澳理大舉辦“粵港澳大灣區建設科技創新中心及澳門的作用”講座
10/3/2022 澳理大舉辦文創沙龍講座分享電影產業實踐經驗
24/2/2022 澳門金融管理局與澳理工合辦“澳門現代金融業發展趨勢與事業探索”專題講座
23/12/2021 MPI Holds Forum on Macao Integrated Tourism and Leisure Enterprises and Corporate Social Responsibility
16/12/2021 澳理工“一國兩制”高端論壇2021 ——“一國兩制”實踐與法治國家建設線上舉行
14/12/2021 澳門理工學院舉辦2021“當代設計與視覺文化”國際學術網絡研討會
4/12/2021 澳理工推出紀念國家憲法日線上講堂“中國憲法的變遷與發展”
26/11/2021 澳門首位與知名品牌合作設計師劉華智於澳理工開講設計師的身份思考
25/11/2021 誠邀參加“第二屆‘與人文科學相遇’國際研討會暨第四屆語言與認知國際學術研討會”線上學術會議
25/11/2021 全國殘特奧運會金牌得主許朗於澳理工分享傳遞正能量
24/11/2021 Experts Discussed Teaching and Learning Strategies in the Post-Pandemic Era at “The 13th Higher Education International Conference” of MPI
23/11/2021 The Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng delivered a welcoming speech at the opening ceremony of the "11th Forum on Higher Education Management in Portuguese-speaking Countries and Regions" to deepen Sino-Lusophone cooperation
11/11/2021 "Script Exploration" Screenwriting Lecture
4/11/2021 澳理工辦澳門——橫琴:中葡合作之未來學術講座探討新發展機遇
4/11/2021 澳理工舉辦“冠軍之路—運動及體育碩士課程首屆畢業生經驗分享會”誠邀參與
25/10/2021 澳理工舉辦 “築夢奮進-2021全運勇戰創澳績” 分享會傳遞運動正能量
25/10/2021 Invitation to Attend MPI’s Virtual Seminar on Historical Connection between Macao and Coimbra
22/10/2021 澳理工舉辦 “築夢奮進-2021全運勇戰創澳績” 分享會誠邀參與
21/9/2021 澳理工舉辦 “澳門—橫琴:中葡合作之未來” 學術講座誠邀參與
13/9/2021 “The 13th Higher Education International Conference” Call for Papers until October 15
29/7/2021 IPM held the first online lecture of the "Lecture Series with Sino-Portuguese Celebrities" - focusing on the challenges and opportunities brought by the pandemic to higher education in Portuguese speaking countries and regions
22/7/2021 Invitation to the first online lecture of the "Lecture Series with Sino-Portuguese Celebrities" launched by MPI
16/7/2021 “The 13th Higher Education International Conference” of MPI and APQN is Now Calling for Paper Submissions
10/7/2021 Macao Polytechnic Institute “The 2nd International Conference on ‘Encounter with the Human Sciences’ & The 4th LinCog – International Symposium on Language and Cognition” Calling for Paper Submissions Now
6/6/2021 “Online Summer Workshop for the Training of Portuguese Language Teachers in the Greater Bay Area”, organized by MPI, is now open for registration.
10/5/2021 澳理工設計講座啟發城市文化創意思考
2/5/2021 澳理工舉辦線上講座探討設計思考
15/4/2021 Macao Polytechnic Institute invites all interested participants to participate in “The Greater Bay Area Portuguese Language and Sino-Portuguese Academic Cooperation” online Forum
14/4/2021 "Urban Design Culture Interpretation" Lecture Series
29/3/2021 Editing Thinking in Design Webinar
18/3/2021 Seminar on Vision and Skills of International Design Competitions
14/3/2021 MPI Organised Career Talks Enhancing Students’ Employment Competitive Edge
25/2/2021 MPI held a lecture to promote academic cooperation between China and the Portuguese Speaking Countries
17/2/2021 澳理工辦講座促跨領域科創發展
24/12/2020 澳理工邀請設計師主持線上系列講座
21/11/2020 "Unplug Designers" - the Age of Designers without Computers Lecture
20/11/2020 “The 12th Higher Education International Conference” of MPI
19/11/2020 “Being Colours, Being Graphic Design” Series Seminar
18/11/2020 “Meeting with the Humanities - International Conference” organized by IPM
12/11/2020 澳理工舉辦“一國兩制”高端論壇2020現正報名
9/11/2020 MPI’s online conference on “60 Years of Portuguese Language Teaching in Higher Education in China”
9/11/2020 Webinar on "Architectural Cultural Heritage of the City of Macao - Comparison of Churches in Beijing and Macao"
13/7/2020 MPI holds Seminar on “Public Policy in the Practice of ‘One Country, Two Systems’”
4/8/2020 MPI Organises the Online Lectures on “Scientific Promotion for Youth” in the Summer
6/7/2020 MPI’s Virtual Art Seminar Offering Fresh Insights into Musical Learning
1/7/2020 Thematic forum on “Machine Translation, Artificial Intelligence and Smart Cities in the Big Data Era” to be held by Macao Polytechnic Institute is open for registration
23/6/2020 澳理工舉辦線上講座:學習音樂的好處
22/5/2020 MPI “Basic Law Online Lecture” Helps Citizens understand law
6/5/2020 MPI to Launch “Basic Law Online Lecture” Series for Self-advanced Studies
11/5/2020 澳理工推出“疫情‧藝情”線上講堂
4/5/2020 澳理工推出 “疫境中的身心調適” 線上講堂
15/11/2019 中國京劇藝術團在澳門理工學院談國粹京劇藝術賞析
25/7/2019 澳門理工學院辦翻譯論壇匯聚專家探討國際化與翻譯的未來
10/7/2019 第十二屆亞太音樂教育研究論壇在澳門理工學院隆重開幕
2/5/2019 澳門理工學院舉辦抗戰論壇暨《抗戰時期澳門日誌》首發儀式
3/1/2019 蘇星於澳門理工學院開講漆畫講座促灣區藝術合作


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